
- Drifter -

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Species Info

- General Information -

Eridani is a young male desert Ehret who has been wandering the vast desert of Relia's largest continent for almost a decade.
He was raised by his parents and he is the oldest of four children. Eridani left his family at the age of 19 to explore the desert and he occasionally meets up with his immediate family and extended family at gatherings.
Eridani hasn't shown much interest in taking on a partner, preferring to be alone, though in recent years he has started to feel lonely, but he has yet to meet anyone he connects with.
Mannerisms/Habits: expressive with his ears and tail, hums often, curses in his native tongue when startled, annoyed, or frustrated, purrs when content, growls and hisses when frustrated, annoyed, or angry, snores in his sleep, and is very cuddly in his sleep.
Other: Eridani does not speak or understand English or other human languages, so he often communicates through grunts, chuffs, purrs, growls, or hisses. He usually purrs when he's content and chuffing is usually how he greets others. He learns to speak English relatively quickly, though his English and broken and he speaks in simple, short sentences. He prefers to use his actions over words, and he often communicates through body language and gestures.

- Appearance -

Age: 27 (Relia), 30 (Earth)
Height: 6' 0"
Voice/Speech: soft spoken, gentle, somewhat lower register, southern accent.
Subspecies: Desert Ehret.
General Appearance: Lean with some mucle, sandy yellow/brown fur with a lighter muzzle, throat, chest, abdomen, palms, soles, crotch, and inner thighs. Darker markings on tail, arms, legs, and back. Long slightly fluffy tail with a lighter underside, clawed hands with four fingers and thumbs, clawed digitigrade legs with blunt claws and fuzzy feet. Large pointed fuzzy ears. Long dark curved horns that curve back. Glowing yellow eyes. Yellow glowing markings on chest, arms, hands, legs, and back. Freckles on face and broad nose, short snout, sharp teeth, and light stubble. Long, shaggy blonde and white hair.
Clothes: Long brown leather coat with dark grey straps on sleeves, dark grey cropped pants with a lighter grey sash. Leather satchel and simple gold decorations on horns.

- Personality -

Eridani is relatively quiet and doesn't speak much, he prefers to think before speaking, though he prefers actions over words. He likes peace and quiet, and prefers being alone, but he won't turn down company. Eridani is stubborn and determined, and strongly believes in what he thinks is right, though he isn't stuck in his ways and is willing to listen to someone else's opinion, but he often takes a lot of convincing to do something he doesn't want to do.
Eridani is perceptive, observent, and extremely empathetic. He doesn't like to see others suffering emotionally or physically, and he is extremely selfless. He will always put others before himself. Eridani is strong-willed and intelligent, and is knowledgable about various different plants and animals that live in the desert.
Eridani is patient and willing to teach others, and he is a quick learner. He is a good listener and he is good at giving out advice, and he's more than willing to offer a shoulder to lean on.
Despite being relatively reclusive and preferring to be alone he still appreciates company, but it does take some time for him to fully open up to new people. If he doesn't like you or has a problem with you, he'll let you know. He is honest and hates lying, though he will try to avoid topics that make him or other people uncomfortable.
He is relatively rather passive, but he is a skilled fighter and hunter, and he will not hesitate to defend those that he cares about, even putting himself at risk without a second thought.

- Likes and Dislikes -

Likes: stargazing, collecting rocks and furs, the wet season, hunting, carving wood, singing, drumming, spicy foods, solitude, the quiet, watching the sunset and sunrise, exploring, learning about new things.Dislikes: loud noises, large groups, the dry season, complaining/people that complain, dishonesty, overly sweet foods, thunderstorms, dust storms, staying in one place for too long, drawing too much attention to himself.

- Background -

Eridani was raised by his parents and he is the oldest of four pups. He helped raised his three younger siblings and was very close with his mother before he left his family group at the age of 19.Eridani has been travelling the desert alone for almost a decade and he doesn't mind being alone, but he has started to feel lonely, though he has yet to meet anyone who he connects with during his time exploring.Eridani often helps out other lone wandering Ehret and he has an affinity towards younger Ehret he comes across, but he doesn't stick around for long.

And I returned to my beautiful city
Black skies change into blue
And though my love is so wise and so pretty
Some nights I'll still dream of you